A while back, I covered the announcement of the new PAX Unplugged event, an expo that focuses primarily on table-top gaming. With the sudden rise of board games and card games at these sort of conventions, having a whole PAX dedicated to those types of gamers was an obvious response. Now as the event looms ever closer, we now know just which companies will be showing off their games and products. ...[Read More]
A collection of news and featured posts all about E3 2017. We have writers at the event covering things as they happen, as well as those watching at home!
Today, T3fun announced a series of new events for Hellgate Global this June to celebrate its one year anniversary. Of course I’d heard of this title when it was first announced, but I’ll admit it didn’t go any farther than that, since I didn’t own a beast PC like most of my friends. For those who do play, what can you get during the month of June? How about coins that drop ...[Read More]