EverQuest II

EverQuest II: Destiny of Velious Roundtable Discussion

Last week, I had the chance to sit in a roundtable discussion with Sony Online Entertainment’s Senior Producer, David Georgeson, and members of other gaming websites. The session, which lasted about an hour long, was not only a ton of fun but gave me a new appreciation for the MMO genre. Georgeson, who boasts an impressive resume, has been working in the industry for over two decades, having...[Read More]

SOE’s Holiday Cheer!

Cars hidden under ten feet of snow. Malls full of procrastinators trying to purchase the perfect holiday gift. Grampa breaking a hip after he falls on some ice. None of this sounds nice. So, to help pick you up this winter, Sony Online Entertainment is going to give us a lil’ somethin’ somethin’!

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