Far Cry

Far Cry: New Dawn Announced At The Game Awards 2018

Just the other day, we ended up getting a small teaser for the next chapter in the Far Cry series. After the bonkers ending that Far Cry 5 had, many were left wondering if the series could continue. Well after the teaser, and a leaked image from today, we have an official new installment in the series: Far Cry: New Dawn.

Far Cry 5: Stupid Fun, But Wasted Potential

After the massive success of Far Cry 3, Ubisoft had set a high standard for any future installments, which led the mixed reception of Far Cry 4 as it didn’t change much from it’s predecessor. That being said, I’ve always seen the Far Cry franchise as the fun summer blockbusters of the gaming industry. They aren’t going to win Game of the Year, but gamers won’t deny that they had a blast with it. W...[Read More]

Ubisoft Reveals Character Vignettes for Far Cry 5 Companions

Ubisoft has revealed seven character vignettes for the upcoming release of Far Cry 5. The videos each detail one of the companions that players will have the opportunity to recruit in the battle to take back Hope County from the Project at Eden’s Gate.

Ubisoft Details E3 Lineup With New Video

It’s hard to believe that E3 2017 is less than two weeks away, but it’s the truth. With that, all the companies and developers are starting to reveal their plans, and Ubisoft has done so with a post and a teaser video. In the video, which you can see below, two men are showing CEO and co-founder of Ubisoft Yves Guillemot a new teaser for E3, but all the new and secret news is blocked a...[Read More]

Far Cry 5 Official Reveal Trailer and Release Date

Far Cry 5, after a week of teases and lead up, has been officially revealed. Not only that, we know that it will arrive on February 27th, 2018 (My Birthday!) on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Ubisoft Montreal will be leading development and will be in charge of creating the sinister Hope County, Montana.

Three Far Cry 5 Trailers Showcase Potential Allies

In addition to the Official Reveal Trailer and Launch Date for Far Cry 5, Ubisoft Montreal has provided us with our first glimpse of some potential allies for our yet unnamed protagonist. The first is Nick Rye; The second is Pastor Jerome Jeffries; Last, we have Mary May; Who are you looking forward to working with when you head to Hope County, Montana? Far Cry 5 releases on February 27th, 2018 fo...[Read More]

Far Cry 4 & Far Cry Primal Physical Bundle Coming?

While it’s quite normal for companies to create bundles of past games, it wouldn’t shock me with this latest rumor. As many of you know lifelower on Twitter is well-known for finding rating board leaks, games showing up early when they haven’t been announced and more. Well seems another possible slip up may have happened via MicroMania’s website and lifelower giving the hea...[Read More]

Far Cry Primal Review

Over the past few years, Far Cry has remained consistent in its quality, whether it was taking us to some overseas locale to fight off savages with animal-like abilities, or shooting us into the future, where Michael Biehn insisted on being a bad-ass while riding around on a T-Rex shooting lasers (Blood Dragon, in case you forgot).

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Game and Soundtrack Coming Soon!

Are you a fan of games that bring back many good old memories? Do you pride yourself on being good with movie quotes? Then the next game you should be looking forward to is Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. You do not need Far Cry 3 to play; in fact the two games have little to no crossover in the storylines.

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