Forever Classic

Forever Classic Podcast – Episode 1

It’s official, the Forever Classic Podcast has released our first true episode on this journey of video game discussion. This time, Zach Snyder and I continue our journey through some of the biggest stories in the gaming space at the time including Risk of Rain 2‘s announcement, as well as the IO Interactive separation from Square Enix. We also discussed Hyperkin’s latest clone c...[Read More]

Forever Classic Podcast – Episode 0

For a while now, Zach Snyder and I have been wanting to get back into the hobby of podcasting. Back when I wrote for Giga Geek Magazine, we had a fairly short run of a show that we really enjoyed doing, but never got as deep into it as we would’ve liked. Life also got in the way, as we both were working far too much at the time. Now that we have a bit of free time, we have finally put togeth...[Read More]

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