Gabriel Belmont

Castlevania Dreams Up Some Screens for Reverie

I actually looked up the definition of reverie before writing this. It means to enter a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts. Well…that doesn’t really seem to fit the horrific monsters and vampiric demons found in the Castlevania series, but whatever. We have some new screenshots to look at for the first DLC for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, entitled Reverie.

Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

I shall call you Shadow of the Prince of the Lord of the God of Vania. With some Portal thrown in at the end.

New Trailer for Castlevania Lords of Shadow is Epic!

Today Konami released an epic 11 minute trailer for the upcoming Castlevania Lords of Shadow game. I’m already excited like crazy for the game, so this only further solidifies the millions of reasons why Lords of Shadow needs to be in my hands right this second.

Release Date for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Announced

Today Konami announced that the next hotly anticipated installment to the Castlevania franchise, Lords of Shadow, will be released for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on October 5th.

Konami’s E3 Press Conference Details

In their live conference yesterday, Konami started off their presentation with video showing a vault and you heard a voice entering the, now classic, Konami code before going into reel of their upcoming games. Shinji Hirano, President of Konami, introduced himself and welcomed everybody. Hirano-san says that this year, Konami has strong line-up which consists of Konami original IP such as Metal Ge...[Read More]

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