Don’t you love it as a gamer when you can walk into a social gathering and you end up overhearing someone talk about how they’re loving a game that you also just started playing. Or even better wearing a t-shirt that pretty much just tells you “Hey I’m a gamer.” All you want to do now is geek-out with this new person whom you barely even know. Before you know it, you just made a new best friend. ...[Read More]
The Sony E3 Press Conference might have finished a few minutes ago, and the internet is buzzing about Kevin Butler. Butler, who is a fictional Sony VP portrayed by an actor, came on and owned the entire thing. From trash taking about Microsoft and the Cirque du Soleil event they had for Kinect, to pumping the crowd up on how awesome it is to be a gamer. Check out this awesome video showing his spe...[Read More]