Gearbox Publishing

Relic Hunters Legend Trailer Dropped During Game Awards

The game awards on Thursday night had a quite bit of interesting video game trailers, however, one trailer that caught my interest was the brand-new trailer for Relic Hunters Legend from Rogue Snail and Gearbox Publishing. The trailer shows a bit of the gameplay, such as getting sweet loot items and having tons of weapons and upgrades. The trailer also gives us a bit of insight into what to expect...[Read More]

Gearbox Announces Borderlands 2 VR

Today, Gearbox just announced that their critically acclaimed shooter, Borderlands 2, is getting the virtual reality treatment, and is set to release this year for PlayStation VR. VR editions of popular AAA games isn’t anything new for the industry, so this doesn’t come as a surprise. Luckily, Gearbox promises that this is a complete rework of the game developed in-house by them.

We Happy Few’s Ban in Australia Has Been Overturned

It’s been common knowledge now among the gaming industry that Australia is very strict on censorship when it comes to video games. There have been numerous stories of Australia outright banning titles due to its graphic content, whether it’d be violent or sexual. The most recent of these titles is the upcoming horror title, We Happy Few from Compulsion Games. A couple months ago, the g...[Read More]

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