Gears of War

Gears of War 4 Beta Begins April 18th on Xbox One

In a post from Adam Fletcher, Director of Community for Gears of War 4’s developer The Coalition, it was revealed that their much-anticipated title will be receiving a Xbox One multiplayer beta on April 18th. Those who have purchased and played Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Xbox One of Windows 10 will be given codes for the beta in waves to join the fight first. After April 24th, if you ...[Read More]

Available Now! Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Windows 10

Fans were excited to play one of Xbox’s best and most notable exclusive series on Xbox One when Gears of War series got a serious overhaul and was released as Gears of War: Ultimate Edition. Available today it is now available on Windows 10!

Rocket League Rockets Onto Xbox One

I hope you Xbox fanboys are ready to do some car soccer, because Psyonix’s Rocket League propelled onto the One this past week. Before this week, I’ve never played it. However, I have put multiple hours into this game and ohmygoditissomuchfun. If you purchase the base game, you will also get the previous DLCs (Supersonic Fury, Revenge of the Battle-Cars, and Chaos Run) at no additional charge. The...[Read More]

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Review

As someone who has put in a lot of time in the Gears of War franchise I was more than happy to start playing Gears of War: Ultimate Edition for Xbox One. I can remember the late nights when friends and I would just play co-op on insane hoping to one day beat the game itself. Did beating it on the difficulty ever happen? Sure, but we took our time since we often died, but in the end had fun.

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 031 – “Too Cool for E3”

Today’s episode goes just a smidge over our general hour-ish limit, clocking in at about two hours. Ok, maybe more than just a smidge, but it was fun, and screw you for judging me. Episode 031, titled “Too Cool for E3,” covers a wide range of topics. Insert a clever segue here, leading into Dawnguard and its beta, Injustice: Gods Among Us, LEGO Lord of the Rings, Castlevania: Lor...[Read More]

E3 2011: Will the Wii U Bring Traditional Gamers Back?

Nintendo did their thing, a new console was shown and my body was ready for it. Was yours? What did you think about what Nintendo is dishing out? More importantly, does this newest development make you want to sink some money into Nintendo once again?

Forecast: Look For a Brief Bulletstorm on January 25

The demo for the hotly anticipated action shooter will be dropping near the end of the month.

New Bulletstorm Screenshots Released

Today has definitely been a busy day for video game fans, and it seems that the news is going to keep on coming. Four new Bulletstorm screenshots have been released, so, for those of you who are eagerly awaiting this sweet FPS from EA & Epic Games, hopefully this satiates you all until February 22nd, 2011.

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