Guitar Hero: World Tour

More Rock Band 3 Tracks Confirmed along with Pre-Order Bonuses

October 26th is looking to be a pretty busy day in the gaming world. Not only is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II available that day, but so is Rock Band 3. Over the past weekend, at San Diego Comic-Con, fans of the hit Harmonix/MTV franchise were given some details.

Thank You Activision!

Alright friends of Meh, I promised that today we would be getting something special in the mail for our One Love for Chi/Blogathon fundraiser, and it’s here! Originally the delivery was slated to arrive around 3 in the afternoon, so I was surprised when the FedEx guy came around 11. Each box weighs about 26 pounds, and it reminded me of the days when I worked at GameStop as an Assistant Mana...[Read More]

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