Thanks to WordPress, we can view what people searched for that led them to our blog. I must say, some of you guys/gals are sick puppies lol Here are the top search results of all time for our blog (yes, I know that it’s not as many results compared to most blog sites but we are still growing): Now some of those are nothing, however if I run a search for the top results for the past 30 days, ...[Read More]
On the backend for World of Meh’s WordPress, we have installed a statistics plugin that gives us a daily unique hits graph, top articles, top pages, and many other little tidbits of information. By far, the most interesting, and hilarious information it provides are the top searches that result in finding our little piece of the pie. It speaks volumes to the quality of content that one can...[Read More]
If you watched Episode 3 of the MehCast, you will have heard this story already. If not here it is in all its glory. Last week, while waiting for Lindsey during one of her Mary Kay appointments, I decided to put some gas in my car. I walked into a Valero station to pick up some candy while the car was filling up, and as I approached the counter, the Indian man (younger, leaner guy, not much of a ...[Read More]
So I’m sitting on the couch with my laptop, Lindsey, and Lianne (my cousin’s wife; cousin-in-law?) playing Guitar Hero: World Tour, when Lindsey decides to fire up Firefox (no pun intended) and load up the World of Meh! Unfortunately, or rather, fortunately, her finger slipped near the end, and she managed to navigate not to the World of Meh, but the World of Men (a rather lovely site...[Read More]