Hand of Fate

Hand of Fate: Ordeals Is The Most-Funded Australian Tabletop Game in Kickstarter History

Hand of Fate: Ordeals, the tabletop adaptation of Defiant Development’s action RPG franchise, can now claim the title of the most-funded Australian tabletop game in Kickstarter history at over $190,000 AUD. Perhaps most impressive is that their Kickstarter won’t end until Wednesday, June 21st at 9:00pm ET, so they have plenty of time to pad that lead. Before they launched this Kickstar...[Read More]

Hand of Fate 2 heads to PS4 in 2017

Defiant Development recently announced that its upcoming action-RPG, Hand of Fate 2, would be making its way to the PlayStation 4 in 2017, joining the previously announced PC and Xbox One versions.

Hand of Fate Review

Ever since Hand of Fate went to early access on Steam I’ve put in a lot of time with the game. At the beginning I could never get past the first boss, but hey–this style of game was new to me. I’ve never seen a game take the idea of a card game, add in rogue-like elements and an RPG. Now Hand of Fate is past early access and is finally released on Xbox One, PS4 and PC as of Febru...[Read More]

Hand of Fate

Hand of Fate is a card based roguelike, in which the player builds a collection of cards into a deck, which is then used to deal out the dungeon floors through which they adventure. Upon entering a combat, all of the cards the player has collected fly into their character's hands as fully modeled 3D assets, and combat begins.

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