Thanks to Twitter (@JoeyZambrano, specifically), Lindsey and I managed to get our hands on six passes (two of which were used for Lindsey and myself, of course, while the other four were given to our friends Chris, Kelly, Lianne, and Lee) for an advanced screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 last night. Now, if you’ve been a long-time reader, you may remember the excitemen...[Read More]
Tonight, Lindsey and I were treated to an advance screening of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Details of our good fortune can be found here. We sat to watch the film with many of our Twitter friends, such as @leftybrown and @mrsleftybrown, @ChrisHangsleben and @KarmaKaze7, @DanielDanger, and more! Before the film began, however, came a series of trivia questions from @mikeoz of the Fre...[Read More]
In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to be a man. Midnight premieres. I have been to many midnight premieres in the years that I have walked upon the earth. I revel in the atmosphere of a midnight premiere. I rejoice in the opportunity to interact with my people. The true believers, not just in the content, but in the medium itself, make themselves known. This is the ultimate movi...[Read More]
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, a film adaptation of the book with the same title, will appear in theaters in 28 days! If you haven’t seen the first five movies, but plan on seeing this one, then please, I beg of you, watch the first five movies before going to the sixth. If you haven’t read the books, then you need the first five movies to provide a great deal of back story ...[Read More]