
Heliborne (PC) Review

My flight of four helicopters lifted off from the forward firebase almost simultaneously. Comprised of three heavily armed UH-1D Huey gunships and an OH-6A “Loach” scout, we set out across the rice paddies of a Vietnam map to rain down hatred and discontent upon our Russian equipped foes. With the signature Whup-whup-whup sound of the Huey’s rotors filling my headphones, it only lacked a bit of ap...[Read More]

Heliborne Thunders Out of Steam Early Access

Like an AH-64 Apache screaming over a ridge to surprise a tank convoy, rotor-sim Heliborne has launched out of Steam Early Access and into full release. The inaugural game from developer JetCat Games, Heliborne covers fifty American and Russian/USSR helicopters over the past seventy years.

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