High Voltage

Conduit 2: Interview with Eric Nofsinger of High Voltage Software

Here we are, at the end of my week long coverage of Sega’s community event for the High Voltage shooter, Conduit 2, for the Nintendo Wii. And for the grand finale, my proudest moment of gaming journalism, where I sit down to talk with one of the developers from High Voltage.

Conduit 2: Multiplayer Hands-On

As we approach the halfway point in this week of Conduit 2 goodies, we start to get to the thing a lot of shooter fans seem to always clamor for: the chance to take down your friends and rub it in their faces. In what promises to be the most intriguing aspect of this game, here’s this sci-fi shooter’s multiplayer.

Conduit 2: Single-Player Gameplay Footage

Here’s some video from the Conduit 2 event I attended at Sega headquarters. They’re are still getting some bugs fixed, but you should agree, it’s extremely fun. Good job, High Voltage.

Conduit 2: Single-Player Hands-On

At Sega’s event for Conduit 2, I got to be one of the lucky people to get a chance to play through roughly an hour of the single-player campaign. As the sequel to one of the most popular shooters for the Wii, I have to say that it’s one of the most fun games in the genre I’ve played (and I’m not a huge fan of first-person shooters).

Electric Six

There is a band called Electric Six.  They are a strange band, but very musically talented.  Their songs are very catchy and have a great sound.  They are a bit on the odd side, however…  There are two songs in particular that I am fond of: Gay Bar and High Voltage.  A warning, however: if S&M bondage Abraham Lincolns and giant glowing orbs over genitalia bother you, these may not be enj...[Read More]

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