Earlier today, THQ Nordic announced that they had purchased Koch Media for 121 million pounds and had acquired the rights to Metro, Dead Island, and Saints Row. Five years have passed since THQ closed its doors after filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and its assets were liquidated. Since then, a majority of THQ franchises have had a sequel announced or one that is rumored to be currently in develop...[Read More]
Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees. Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.
Earlier today Deep Silver announced the Homefront: The Revolution `Merits` program. Starting today players can go to Homefront-Game.com and begin earning merits by completing missions on the site. Completing missions will help players dive deeper in to the lore of the Homefront universe and allow you to aquire some swag for your character along the way. Players will be able to unlock individual...[Read More]
Because it’s not that I think Adam is completely wrong about everything he said in his article. It’s that I know Adam is completely wrong about everything he said in his article. A great story has the ability to elevate a great game into a great piece of art.
Find out in this new developer diary as the people behind this ripped-from-the-headlines shooter show us why killing our friends will be so much fun.