If you are a fan of Old School gameplay, and are just as tired as I am over these over hyped, and often boring titles, you should listen up! One week from today (March 15th), NinjaBee and Bacon Wrapped Games will be releasing Cloning Clyde on Steam! Why should you care, you ask? Well, let me break it down for you.
As a Canadian, it only seemed fit that I write about an up-and-coming Canadian indie development company, Xona Games, who will be releasing two new titles this coming week – Decimation X3 and Score Rush!
Hello, my name’s Josh. I have cats – cute cats. In my free time, I enjoy beach combing, leather work, and picking fights with the homeless. I’m also a new writer here at World of Meh, and so it seems fitting to discuss a game that’s never appeared on the site before: Minecraft.
In my opinion, Indie game developers are the backbone of the gaming industry. This is where developers start and gain experience. I truly believe, as gamers, we have a responsibility to support even the smallest fish in this big ocean! So, I’m going to do my part and shed some light on a few indie games!
As I sat down and installed the first episode of Incognito, I felt a wave of disappointment come over me. I thought to myself, “Great! I volunteered for this?” But the PC game, developed by Magrathean Technologies in Vancouver, BC was much more than I could have ever thought it would be!