John Szymanski

My Friendly Neighborhood Review (Steam)

When I first heard of My Friendly Neighborhood, I thought to myself, “What is so scary about puppets?” After playing through the first demo, I soon realized what can be scary about them within the situation; these are no ordinary puppets, these puppets are like Terminator zombies. Even when you think they are all dead, one wrong turn and you can catch those puppet hands. Before I dive ...[Read More]

My Friendly Neighborhood PAX East 2023 Preview

When it comes to Horror games, few can hold a light to Resident Evil 4 (2005). Now, this is not to say that there haven’t been excellent Horror games, but Resident Evil 4 is often considered one of, if not the best horror game out there; this includes the Resident Evil 4 Remake that was released last week. With Resident Evil 4 as a marker to live up to, Silver Chains, The Evil Within, Sons o...[Read More]

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