
AimPad: Interview with Principal Engineer of Awesomeness Lance Madsen

While I was running around PAX East I came across a booth boasting something I hadn’t heard of before, pressure sensitivity in a keyboard. Ever drive, well anything, in a video game? At best is annoying, at worst, completely unplayable. There isn’t any subtly in using a keyboard to drive in L.A. Noire, hit “W” and take off at full acceleration, then to turn tap “AR...[Read More]

Mad Catz is Back with New Products

As many of you remember, less than a year after the demise of Mad Catz. The company Mad Catz is back under new management and this means new ideas and a new attitude is being brought to the table. Known for their award-winning range of R.A.T.™ gaming mice, arcade FightSticks, gaming headsets and so much more. The team is focusing on quality and will be providing top-of-the-line products. Pe...[Read More]

Review: Freedom i-Connex Bluetooth Keyboard

Mobile technology is an incredible thing. When I went to E3, the only things I put in my messenger bag for appointments and the floor was a composition book and my iPhone (and other basic necessities, like energy bars, water, a charging cable, etc.). Almost all of my photos and videos were taken using my iPhone, but I still had to take most of my notes in the composition book. While the iPhoneR...[Read More]

Chatty Moogs

One thing we’ve noticed about Moogle is how curious she is. She wonders what is inside a cabinet, wonders what is so awesome about the fridge, and other things. She has also taken a great interest in our laptop and PC. She watches how the mouse cursor flits about the screen, and will stare at our fingers as they click on the keyboard. When Chris is at work, him and I talk throughout the day ...[Read More]

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