
God of War Is Now the Fastest-Selling PS4 Exclusive

Kratos’ newest adventure is off to an incredible start as the PlayStation Blog has just announced that God of War (PS4) has become the fastest-selling PS4 exclusive in its first three days. From April 20th-April 22nd, God of War sold over 3.1 million units globally. This shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise as the title is being heralded across the internet for taking this franchis...[Read More]

God of War, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus Collections Coming in 3D

Are you ready to see Kratos jumping right out at you? Want Yorda to really hold your hand? Well, it won’t happen. But it will look like it could! For these collections are coming in HD upgraded 3D.

The 2010 Video Game Awards

In case you missed Spike TV’s 2010 Video Game Awards, we’ve got you covered! Check out everything that happened!

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