Ladies and Gentleman, we are less than 2 months away from the biggest video game convention of the year. This year’s E3 might be the biggest event in recent gaming history with Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft planning to show what they have planned for the Nintendo Switch, PS4 Pro, and Project Scorpio. Microsoft looks to tide over its community with a special May themed Games with Gold offer ...[Read More]
On the second day of PAX I went to the Square Enix booth for a chance to play Hitman and was surprised with an opportunity to sit down and play the four player cooperative mode of Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris. You can remember Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris being announced during E3 2014. One of the members of my team was the Crystal Dynamics brand manager, Rich Briggs. I was excited t...[Read More]