Normally, our reviews are of games that are finished and ready to be released to the public. This time, however, we had the opportunity to do an early access review, which means some details of The Anacrusis may change by the time the final version of the game is released. Once the full version of the game is available, we’ll revisit this game to see what has changed.
Over the last decade, Left 4 Dead fans have eagerly awaited the return of the beloved franchise. Despite rumors of Left 4 Dead 3 being in development, only images emerged showing concept art for the game. Now a decade later, fans of the beloved franchise can be reunited with the game they once loved in Turtle Rock Studios Back 4 Blood. Back 4 Blood was released on October 12th. Over the last two w...[Read More]
After a decade of waiting, Left 4 Dead 3 is finally coming out….in a way. Despite fans of the Left 4 Dead franchise begging for Left 4 Dead 3 from Valve; Valve was dead set on not releasing the third installment of any game. Come on Valve, where is Half-Life 3 or Portal 3? Over the years, concept images have leaked showing what might have been but the dream of a new Left 4 Dead game was but ...[Read More]
Developer Holospark recently announced their new cooperative team-shooter, Earthfall, is being released digitally on July 13 for Xbox One, Playstation 4, and Steam for $29.99. Gearbox Publishing has also announced that they will be distributing the game in physical boxed retail. Holospark CEO is very confident that the physical distribution of the game will have a great impact on it’s sales....[Read More]
When I first learned I would be reviewing Payday: The Heist dreams filled my head of breaking into gas stations to snatch wonderful peanut candies. While the reality of what I reviewed was not as pleasant and had even less story, it does have some redeeming qualities none-the-less. But first, the less appealing parts of this download only title.
I am both blessed and cursed with a wife who enjoys video games as much as I do. I am blessed, because she is my enabler. I don’t have to justify buying video games, consoles, or other electronics to her, because she understands the compulsion, and revels in it. I am cursed, because we only have one gaming setup, which means that we must learn to share time with our games. As only children, ...[Read More]
No, there is no gameplay in this trailer. Doesn’t matter. Tell me, look me in the eyes and tell me that after watching this thing you don’t want to check this game out. You can’t. You’d be a liar if you did. And a jerk. Do you want to be a liar and a jerk?
With every paranormal or mythological creature, there is a plausible back story that can explain the origins of the creature. So, let us take a moment or two to explore some popular creatures found in today’s culture and media.
Starting right this second, and going until 10 AM on Monday, October 25th, Direct2Drive is having a massive sale.
You see what I did with that 4 in the title? Yeah Valve, I can be clever with words that sound like numbers too.
Zombie Cow Studios is the company behind Privates, a game that definitely caught my attention. I reviewed it last week, and I’m pleased to have had the opportunity to ask one of its founders, Dan, some questions. So, check out our conversation …
I announced Zombie Cow Studio’s new game, Privates, September 17, and to be honest, it seemed rather strange and perverted. Now that I’ve had the chance to play the game in its entirety, let’s take a second look at it!