Legend of Zelda

Ryu Hayabusa in a Mario game?

For awhile now, hacks on classic games have been really popular. Some are downright genius, whereas others are for laughs. Super Mario Bros. Crossover is the latest project by Jay Pavlina, founder of a production company called Exploding Rabbit, and easily falls into the aforementioned genius category.

Win LEGO Harry Potter Swag & More Courtesy of 120 Games

Alright, for those of you who have been keeping track, this years Blogathon has turned out to be pretty crazy. Not only have we chosen One Love for Chi as our charity, but we have been given prizes galore to give away as raffle prizes. So far we’ve received Band Hero kits from Activision, a Sims 3 Prize Package from EA, t-shirts and goodies from The ECA, loads of PSP games from Mumbo Jumbo, ...[Read More]

Awesome GameStop Game Deals

Right now at the GameStop website, there are some fantastic deals going on, known as a Power Saver Sale, and let me tell you…it’s massive. In all of my years working for GameStop (2001-2005), I never saw a sale this big, so if you can, I highly suggest you take advantage of it.

Classic Games: Still great, or is it just nostalgia?

Last Tuesday, for my birthday, I whipped out my NES and played a beloved game from my childhood, Crystalis. At first I was pretty scared to pop it in, because what if I didn’t feel the same way about it anymore? What if the gameplay or story was too simplistic for my current gaming tastes? What if I don’t enjoy it, and those memories are ruined? As a little girl, I slept in the same be...[Read More]

Nintendo E3 Press Conference News & Details

The Nintendo E3 Press Conference may be over, but that doesn’t mean the excitement has waned. From the get go, Nintendo blew us away. Reggie Fils-Amie came out to debut a new Zelda game, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and it got fans really excited. We were originally led to believe that a man named Bill would be the one doing the live demo, since Shigeru Miyamoto, a mad genius, seemed like...[Read More]

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

At the beginning of Nintendo’s E3 Press Conference, we were treated to a surprise – Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Exclusive for the Wii, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword promises to be something so incredible, something so amazing, and by the looks of it, I want it… today. On hand to provide a live demonstration was Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto himself. Miyamoto-san, a genius in my opini...[Read More]

Zelda DS Winner!

Good Afternoon, It is now 1:00 PM, and time to announce the fab winner of our Zelda contest. Before that, I’d like to again give congrats to deaf omega and Ancientwolf13 who both won prizes in our Harry Potter giveaway. OK, now to the good stuff. The winner is………….. . . . . . . . ……… spookygirl! Congrats, contact me within 48 hours so we can arrange ...[Read More]

Zelda DS Giveaway!

And ANOTHER fantastic Giveaway. This will have the same rules as our Harry Potter Giveaway, but obviously the prizes will be different. How do you enter to win? POST A COMMENT! For the next 24 hours (8 PM PST 7/25/09 – 8:00 PM 7/26/09) when you comment on this blog, it counts as an entry. Please do not spam the hell out of this post, but do feel free to discuss the DS, it’s other games, and ...[Read More]

Good Morning!

As you already know by now today is the Blogathon. I was so excited over it that I couldn’t sleep! Chris has been taking on the posts starting at 6:00 AM, and since he is at work, I figured I would step in right now to relieve him. There is a lot going on today for us, as he already mentioned in a previous post, so we will be doing the Blogathon in shifts. For my shift, I will be mixing thin...[Read More]

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