Lil’ Gamer

Daddy Gamer Episode 13 Untitled Goose Game

A new episode of Daddy Gamer featuring everyone’s favorite water fowl from Untitled Goose Game has finally arrived after a ton of major updates to the show.

Daddy Gamer Episode 12: Oxenfree

Nothing quite says Christmas than a months late slightly Halloween intended episode of Daddy Gamer! So here is your holiday-themed (though the wrong holiday) video from us to you!

Daddy Gamer Episode 08: DragonLance Movie

DragonLance helped define me as a person. I am a huge fan of Lord of the Rings, Kingskiller Chronicles, Forgotten Realms, Dungeons and Dragons, and by extension of that tabletop gaming in general. My love for these stories led to a love for storytelling, which heavily influences my life today! I love that I have a job that enables and requires me to tell stories, even if it’s a simple commercial. ...[Read More]

Daddy Gamer Episode 07: Quest for the Code

Quest for the Code is an oddity of a game that sits very close to my heart and relates to something that has always been pretty important to me. Asthma, more specifically what happens during an attack and how to manage it effectively. It’s an educational game centered around this idea, and packed around it is an assortment of characters and a plot that MST3K would have had a blast with. I wa...[Read More]

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