Live Streamer

Narvitech NJ300 HDMI External Capture Card Review

With the ever-growing rise of streaming, capturing gameplay footage has never been more popular. For many, this was an unattainable feat, due to the exorbitant pricing of many mainstream capture cards and high-end PCs. While some contemporary consoles include the ability to record gameplay footage internally, the experience still has its limitations. Fortunately, the folks at Narvitech have releas...[Read More]

AVerMedia Live Streamer DUO Kit Review

I am always on the search for better solutions to my production setup. I never quite have the best but I always have a broad equipment spread so that I can create what I am into at the time. I produce written content, audio, video, and live streams and I’ve been doing so semi-professionally for many years now. Packages like the AVerMedia Live Streamer Duo, a combo pack that puts together the Live ...[Read More]

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