
Review: Family Feud Decades (iOS)

For over a week now I’ve been playing Family Feud Decades on my iPhone. As a huge fan of the television show I was really interested in getting my hands on this game. Having played iPhone and PC versions of regular Family Feud, I was curious to see how Decades would be different.

Review: Where’s Waldo in Hollywood (iP)

We all remember Waldo from out childhood. His colorful books made it look like we were actually participating during reading time in primary school. Now he’s got a game for iOS devices that will help us look like we are taking notes during that busy office meeting. Where’s Waldo in Hollywood is your new favorite finder.

Review: The Amazing Race (iOS)

Recently Ludia and CBS Mobile released The Amazing Race, a game based off of the popular television show of the same name, for iOS devices. We were fortunate to get our hands on the iPhone version, and as a person who has never watched an episode of the TV show, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.

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