Luigi’s Mansion 3

Mario Day Specials and Savings on Nintendo Switch eShop

Mario Day is a yearly celebration of everyone’s favorite ex-plumber. This annual “holiday” takes place on March 10th, hence it’s often spelled as MAR10 Day. Nintendo has officially acknowledged Mario Day dating back as early as 2016. This year’s Mario Day is special, as it also takes place during Mario’s 35th anniversary. This year, Nintendo is celebrating the m...[Read More]

Animal Crossing: New Horizons at PAX EAST

Rockers, the time draws near! We are less than a week away from PAX EAST 2020. With PAX East drawing near, our schedules are starting to become full; however, a new challenger prepares for battle against the hordes of PAX East attendees. Today, Nintendo has announced that Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be at PAX EAST. At their booth, Animal Crossing fans will have the opportunity to try the fi...[Read More]

Possible Leaked Release Dates For Animal Crossing, Luigi’s Mansion 3

UK based website, which specializes in video games, movies, and music, recently made a couple games available for pre-order. Among those titles are Animal Crossing and Luigi’s Mansion for the Nintendo Switch. These two titles were previously listed by Nintendo themselves as only having a release date for this year, no specific date or even month. While some of us here are hoping the...[Read More]

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