Matt Kowalski

Largest Call of Duty XP Event Starts Today

The largest Call of Duty fan event in franchise history is starting today with Call fo Duty XP n Inglewood, California. Call of Duty XP is a multi-day fan celebration that gives fans the ability to have the first public hands-on with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Multiplayer and Zombies in Spaceland Modes, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Multiplayer, and new DLC for Call of Duty: Black Op...[Read More]

Could Borderlands 3 Be Announced at PAX West?

Earlier this year during Pax East, Gearbox’s CEO Randy Pitchford teased that there would “obviously be another Borderlands title but he was not certain if it would be called Borderlands 3.

Did Major Nelson Accidentally Post about Clubs and Looking for Group Today?

This year at E3, Microsoft’s press conference primarily focused on how they would improve the gaming community and make it easier for people to play video games with like mind people. Two ways Microsoft aims to help out the community are through the Clubs and Looking for Group Application.

Black Ops 3 Awakening DLC Review

Next week, the dramatic conclusion of the Origins storyline will be revealed with the release of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Salvation DLC map Revelation, but gamers all around the world have been curious why Richtofen, Takeo, Dempsey, and Nikolai have been eliminating their alternate selves. Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Awakening DLC is the first map pack that players must complete steps in order to eli...[Read More]

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