Max Payne 3

Review: Max Payne 3 (360)

There are so many third person shooters on the market. Some are good, while others make me wonder what the developers and publishers were thinking when they decided to create such awful games. Adding to the already large list of third person shooters is Rockstar Games’ latest entry in the Max Payne saga, Max Payne 3. Max is back for a grand adventure, and quite a lot has happened since the l...[Read More]

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 023 – “Looking Forward”

The original idea for this episode of the Marooners’ Talk podcast was to really get into our anticipated titles for the rest of calendar year 2012. While we eventually got around to that, I believe our first 30-45 minutes focused on Internet providers, Doctor Who, used games, and various other topics. Come to think of it, the last 15 minutes kind of got off topic, too, so you’ve got ab...[Read More]

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