Michael Jackson The Experience HD

Review: Michael Jackson: The Experience HD (Vita)

One of my absolute favorite rhythm or music games of all time was on a handheld platform. Elite Beat Agents on the Nintendo DS had great music, great tap and gesture controls for keeping rhythm, and was absolutely fantastic for a quick pick up and play session while I was out and about. Now, I traded in my DS Lite to get my PS Vita, so Elite Beat Agents is out of my grasp for the moment. Does Mich...[Read More]

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 018 – “Handhelds are dead, long live handhelds!”

You know, it’s been a pretty slow week. Nothing new has really happened, no big events or releases…not much to talk about, really. That brings us to Episode 18 of Marooners’ Talk. “Handhelds are dead, long live handhelds!”, as the title may suggest, is an hour long discussion of holding hands, the social stigma attached to holding hands, and our sincere and erstwhile ...[Read More]

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