While I may have been off by a week or two, Mists of Pandaria will be released on 9/25/12. I had been guessing at a mid September launch. Aside from the regular and collector’s editions, Mists will launch with a digital and digital deluxe edition. This is the first time Blizzard has offered a digital deluxe edition in their Warcraft line. Here’s the official announcement:
Thankfully putting our fears of Adam’s demise last week to rest, Adam himself returned triumphantly to this week’s episode of Marooners’ Talk (the 36th of its line), titled, “In Which Rogue Steals Manfaces Instead of Mutant Powers.” Last week, we discussed the Marvel NOW! announcement and what it meant to us (very little). Between the two recordings, I got a look at t...[Read More]
Today’s episode goes just a smidge over our general hour-ish limit, clocking in at about two hours. Ok, maybe more than just a smidge, but it was fun, and screw you for judging me. Episode 031, titled “Too Cool for E3,” covers a wide range of topics. Insert a clever segue here, leading into Dawnguard and its beta, Injustice: Gods Among Us, LEGO Lord of the Rings, Castlevania: Lor...[Read More]
Welcome to this week’s MMO’s Tavern. I hope you all had productive weeks. Between crashes in Orgrimmar and heated matches of Conflict at the Mill, my productivity has just shy of plummeted. That’s enough of that, on with the show!
Welcome to this week’s MMO’s Tavern. Sorry about last week’s rant. Things like that don’t usually get to me something about it just stuck in my craw and I had to get it out. So have a drink and enjoy the news.
Sorry, no news this week just me ranting. So if you come here for the news and not my writing style now is the time to turn around. Now that it’s just us, why don’t you grab a seat up here at the bar and I’ll pour you all some free drinks while I tell you about the way things used to be. More likely I’ll just complain about whipper-snappers and how they pollute my fictional game worlds.
Welcome back for another happy hour at MMO’s Tavern. In keeping with tradition, Blizzard announced something as soon as that week’s MMO’s Tavern is posted. Since last Friday, Blizzard sent out another 450,000 beta invites for the Mists of Pandaria beta test. I just want to reiterate what I said on the first week, always check your battle.net account page to see if you have gotten beta access. T...[Read More]
I apologize for the terrible pun. It will be the last one this week, probably… As I mentioned last week, the Mists of Pandaria beta started and shortly after I finished last week’s article, I got a key to join in on the beta. Murphy’s law in action right there, folks. There isn’t a whole lot of new content available right now. The mostly finished Pandaren starting zone is available for testi...[Read More]
Hello and welcome to the first ever MMO’s Tavern, my name is Thom and I’ll be guiding you safely through this week’s MMO news.