Monster Trucks

Nacon Brings Back the Monster Trucks

Ah monster trucks. They’re big, loud, brash, and as uniquely American as football or NASCAR racing. It’s also a genre of motorsports which hasn’t seen a dedicated game devoted to its greatness in a decade. Now Nacon (formerly Bigben) aims to end that drought with the announcement of Monster Truck Championship.

Review: Monster Jam: Path of Destruction (Wii)

Ah yes, Monster Jam. A bizarre obsession in America, ranking close with NASCAR as an one of our most popular vehicle-based "sports" wherein the drivers perform amazing stunts and complete speedy races to awe the crowd. Really, both are incredibly simplistic endeavors, but they manage to gather enough popularity to create a handful of console games, a few of which get ported over to the Wii. With, ...[Read More]

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