Monster World IV

Wonder Boy Asha in Monster World (Switch) Review

Sega’s Wonder Boy/Monster World franchise has quite a rocky history. The original Wonder Boy released in 1986. From there it spawned many sequels, remakes, and notably the Adventure Island franchise. In 2016, the original was remade by CFK Co. in the form of Wonder Boy Returns. A year later, Wonder Boy III would see a remake by another developer. Lizardcube set new standards for how a remake shoul...[Read More]

Caption Contest: SEGA Vintage Collections 1-4 (XBLA)

WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Congratulations to the winners! Streets of Rage: @Navarin. Golden Axe: @hestar69. Monster World: @aznxchunky. Alex Kidd & Co.: @ninjarturtle. Thanks for playing, and good luck next time! Every day this week, leading up to this contest, we’ve had the opportunity to review each of the recently released SEGA Vintage Collections on XBLA. First, and my favorite, was the Str...[Read More]

Review: SEGA Vintage Collection: Monster World (XBLA)

I’ve always been a fan of fantasy style video games, and the Monster World series fits that mold very well. In the SEGA Vintage Collection: Monster World package, SEGA has given us three (arguably) great titles, one of which has long resisted the voyage to our shores from its native Japan. Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in Monster World, and Monster World IV provide consecutively bet...[Read More]

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