
Order Up! Now Available on PS3

I have to admit, I’m a pretty big fan of the Cooking Mama games. I never would have gotten into them if it wasn’t for my wife, Lindsey, and her fascination with Cooking Mama, Diner Dash, etc., but I’m glad that I did. It’s a fun, easy to play kind of game that makes for good entertainment. Now, Order Up!, which seems like a campaign based version of Cooking Mama, is availab...[Read More]

Review: Child of Eden (PS3)

Just over two months ago, Child of Eden was released for the Xbox 360 and Kinect. Tetsuya Miziguchi’s follow-up to his visually stunning Rez was an absolute improvement, bringing gamers a truly beautiful visual and aural experience. Now, that same experience has made its debut on the Playstation 3 console, with Move support. How does it compare?

E3 2011: Star Trek

I’m going to let you all in on a little secret: I love Star Trek. I’m going to let you all in on another little secret: Kirk is better than Picard. Picard has his merits, I won’t argue that. He’s #2 in the Captain rankings, after all. He’s just not Captain James Tiberius Kirk. Kirk and Spock represent one of the best dichotomous relationships in science fiction, and a...[Read More]

Gaming is for Everyone – The Theme of the Year at E3

Amid all the new systems, games, bundles and other shenanigans throughout E3, one common theme can be discerned amid the mix of disconcerting euphoria: Gaming should be enjoyed by all, not just some. Is this the trend we can expect to see the upcoming generation of gaming to follow? Is it the path that has the interests of all gamers–and not just some–in mind?

Review: Virtua Tennis 4 (360)

I’ve been looking forward to Virtua Tennis 4 since it was announced. I may or may not have mentioned it before on the site (I totally have), but Virtua Tennis for the SEGA Dreamcast is one of my absolute favorite video games. I was a Virtua Tennis MASTER. Adding achievements, a multi-stage World Tour mode, a strong (but fundamentally flawed) character creation system, and vastly improved gra...[Read More]

Virtua Tennis 4 PS Move Trailer

There’s not really a lot to say about SEGA’s latest “trailer” for Virtua Tennis 4. There’s not a lot of new information (and by not a lot, I think I mean there’s actually no new information at all), and it’s quite short. The gameplay portions are not actual gameplay footage, so I have no idea if the two human players who seem to be taking the game so serio...[Read More]

Ubisoft Releases New Child of Eden Trailer to Get You in the Mood

If any of you out there reading this own a 360 but don’t have a Kinect yet, go do so before June 14th. Why? Because Child of Eden is going to be ridiculously badass.

PS3 Gets Exclusive Virtua Tennis 4 Content

Virtua Tennis 4 hits the 360, PS3, Wii, and PC on May 10, 2011 (May 14, 2011 for EU). When that day comes, PS3 owners will get a great little handful of exclusive content not available to 360/Wii/PC players. I can only hope that the 360 gets similar treatment and receives its own set of exclusives, since I don’t have a PS3, but I’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I am desperat...[Read More]

Modern Combat Domination – War Veteran Trophy

This MOVE supported first-person shooter is actually better than it looks and better than many may expect at the low price-point it holds. Check out the following video of the War Veteran trophy and see what life is like for soldiers in the new PSN title.

Review: Kinect Sports (X360)

First, there was Wii Sports and stories of people letting go of their controller mid-tennis match and smashing their TVs. Then, PlayStation Move came out with its version, Sports Champions, and we heard the same stories. Well, Xbox’s Kinect takes away that fear by taking away the controllers! All while still providing a great sporting experience!

Review: Kinect Sensor

First, I gave you delightful readers a review of PlayStation Move, then, Austin gave us a nice PlayStation Move vs. Xbox Kinect article back in September. So, now that the Xbox Kinect has been released, what’s the verdict?

Is Casual Gaming Killing the Industry?

The other day I had a thought about the gaming industry as a whole, and the direction it seemed to be heading in, and I wondered if the industry itself was slowly dying from the recent surge in casual gaming. Now, before you all think I’m about to bash the casual gaming genre, please take the time to actually read what I am about to say instead of jumping to conclusions.

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