
Trailer: X-Men: First Class

The trailer for the highly anticipated upcoming superhero movie X-Men: First Class was released today. I’ve been seeing a lot of positive comments on the Internets about the trailer. I’ve got some comments of my own, of course.

Angry Birds Rio to be Released in March

First we had Angry Birds. Then, Fox created Rio. Then, someone combined them. Read on for more details!

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 000 – “A Hedgehog Named Frank”

Episode 000 of Marooners’ Talk is now up. Why did we start off our number at “000?” Because one of our asshole writers thought it would be cool and unique. Now we’re going to have to celebrate our tenth episode during Episode 009, our 50th episode during Episode 049, and our 100th episode during Episode 099. Jackass.

Netflix Review: Chocolate

She's a Special Needs child, with a special need to kick some ass!

Review: Blue Valentine

The other day I had the chance to watch Blue Valentine, the much talked about Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams film. I went into watching the film with high expectations because I had read so much about it already, and I have to say that every article about the movie is spot on. Blue Valentine is one of the most painful movies I’ve had to sit through.

The Origins of Zombies

With every paranormal or mythological creature, there is a plausible back story that can explain the origins of the creature. So, let us take a moment or two to explore some popular creatures found in today’s culture and media.

Trailer: Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

I like weird movies; I love them if they’re done right. If you were to peruse my DVD collection (of which I am fairly proud), you would find an eclectic mix of classic films, strange films, cult films (“cult” meaning “cult classic,” not “how to sacrifice goats to the dread lord Mephistopholes”), foreign films, superhero films, stupidly funny films, and so ...[Read More]

The 2010 Video Game Awards

In case you missed Spike TV’s 2010 Video Game Awards, we’ve got you covered! Check out everything that happened!

Holiday Gift Guides

Happy Monday everybody! As many of you know, Christmas is right around the corner, as is Black Friday, the biggest shopping day in the United States. For those of you who will be braving the elements in search of some fantastic deals, World of Meh has you covered.

Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Thanks to Twitter (@JoeyZambrano, specifically), Lindsey and I managed to get our hands on six passes (two of which were used for Lindsey and myself, of course, while the other four were given to our friends Chris, Kelly, Lianne, and Lee) for an advanced screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 last night. Now, if you’ve been a long-time reader, you may remember the excitemen...[Read More]

Deadpool Script Draft Review

Deadpool is one of my favorite characters in comics. When he’s written by someone who knows how to write him, Deadpool is the most entertaining super-whatever you will ever encounter. His never-shuts-up personality puts Spider-Man to shame, and the fourth wall is just a formality to him. From performing a Shoryuken on Kitty Pryde in order to piss off Wolverine, to acknowledging thought boxes...[Read More]

Thoughts on The Social Network

I saw David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin’s excellent new film The Social Network today and have spent the time since it ended ruminating on the piece you’re now reading. The film put me on a train of thought I’m not sure the filmmakers intended but which has driven me to a point of distraction where I’m forced to put it down on (in this case virtual) paper before I can write about the film itself.

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