
Nolan Confirms Batman 3

Movie fans have been waiting for this, and now they don’t have to wait anymore. Today, Christopher Nolan confirmed that he is indeed working on Batman 3.

Untitled Queen Biopic Announced

Freddie Mercury was the greatest rock vocalist ever.  I will not argue this in the comments.  The statement is made, and it is what will be accepted as absolute fact.  Now that we’ve gotten that bit of business out of the way, an as of yet untitled Queen biopic has been announced, with Sacha Baron Cohen signed to play Freddie Mercury, the aforementioned greatest rock vocalist EVER.  E. V. E....[Read More]

2nd Opinion Review: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

A take on the movie from a fan of the book series. If you didn't give the film a chance last weekend, there's still time to correct your mistake!

You Can Star in YooStar2, Too!

Have you ever wished you were famous like Angelina Jolie? Perhaps you’ve sat there and watched iconic movie moments and wondered what it felt like to be there? Well, experiencing a few of your favorite movie moments may be possible!

Missing Lightsaber scene from Return of the Jedi released

Two days ago George Lucas announced at Celebration V that Star Wars would be coming to Blu-Ray. Even though Lucas is a complete ass, and seems to hate the fans (Jar Jar Binks, not giving us a remastered Original Trilogy, etc), he tried to make everything seem awesome with the addition of…wait for it…additional footage that was left on the cutting room floor.

Sick of Seeing Numbers

They’re everywhere. Resident Evil 5, Saw 7, and Shock Value 2. When is enough, enough? When will the entertainment industry stop recycling the same things over and over again? As customers, we deserve better.

Star Wars finally comes to Blu-Ray fall 2011

Big news from the Star Wars Celebration V. George Lucas has announced that the film series that made him a household name is going high def in 2011.

The Expendables: The manliest movie ever made

The Expendables is every single 80’s action movie ever made rolled up into one testosterone packed movie.

Review: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

I had heard of Scott Pilgrim before, but had never taken the time to read the books (so kindly reviewed by Eddy).  After seeing an advance screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World last night thanks to our friends Chris and Kelly, and new friends Loren and Lauren, I plan on rectifying that mistake shortly.  I had mixed expectations for this movie going in; On the positive side you have Edgar Wright...[Read More]

Superman / Spider-Woman Crossover Movie

I was browsing the Internets yesterday evening when I came upon what I can only assume is a trailer for an upcoming, totally legit, Superman / Spider-Woman crossover movie.  I have a few nitpicks about it, such as the special effects, the costumes, and the language, but I think this may be a low budget movie more in the vein of The Hoff’s Nick Fury: Agent of Shield than a big budget blockbus...[Read More]

Sucker Punch Preview

After the mind warp that Inception was, you’re probably wondering when the next one will wander onto the silverscreen. The answer, 2011. The film, Sucker Punch.

I’m Still Here – Movie Poster Released

Well over a year ago, Joaquin Phoenix seemed to fall off the diving board of sanity, landing a superb belly flop into the swimming pool of ridiculous celebrity behavior.  2009 saw Joaquin entertain us to an extent unimaginable by even General Maximus Decimus Meridius.  With Casey Affleck (younger brother of the manager of Fashionable Male at the mall) filming every minute of his delirium for a ...[Read More]

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