
Away We Go Ticket Giveaway

UPDATE: Congrats to @spookygirl!! Thanks to everybody who played and we will try to have more contests/giveaways in the future! Tonight at Sierra Vista Cinemas, otherwise known as Criterion 16, they are having an advanced screening of Away We Go starring John Krasinksi and Maya Rudolph. The show starts at 7:30 PM and I have an extra ticket good for 2 guests. Interested in winning the ticket? Good&...[Read More]

Movie Remakes

Why does the movie industry feel the need to saturate viewers with movie remakes?  Why not do something original more often?  The last few years, especially, has seen a veritable explosion of movie remakes, and it seems the trend is far from over. Anyone remember the 1991 Phoebe Cates / Rik Mayall film Drop Dead Fred?  It was a fantastic film that, while commercial unsuccessful, gained a very larg...[Read More]

1/4th English?

Last year, Lindsey and I were sitting down to watch a movie. I wanted subtitles, as I sometimes do, so I set them up. On the screen, Lindsey saw “1/4 English”, meaning that I had chosen the first subtitle track out of the four available, and that it was English. She thought I had set the movie to be in 1/4th English and 3/4th another language. I just set subtitles on a movie now, and i...[Read More]

Sukiyaki Western Django

Ok.  Last week we rented a few movies, one of which was Sukiyaki Western Django.  We just finished watching it this very moment, and I could not wait to provide the internet with my review. It was ass.  There were some cool bits, but it should have been done in Japanese, because the actors were very awkward speaking in English, and it affected the quality of their performances.  It’s suppose...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 11 Recap

Episode 11 is done and gone!  We were worried at the start of the show because we had absolutely no viewers!  However, as we soldiered on, our awesome viewers started popping in. We had a short show, clocking in at well under two hours, which was actually kind of strange.  We had a full week to talk about, and a prepared list of show notes, but were only able to jibber-jabber for a little over an ...[Read More]

What. The. HELL.

I could try to express my shock in words, or I could show you a picture that will explain everything completely. Feast your eyes on this: I hate Hollywood.  This movie was supposed to have a September 2008 THEATER RELEASE. THEATER. RELEASE. It ended up being released March 1, 2009, on Cartoon Network, with the DVD following shortly after. Seriously.  Go look at your local Blockbuster Video and see...[Read More]

Watchmen… the epically long review

I’ve been putting this review off for almost a week now so I suppose I should probably get on it. Many of you know that Chris and I saw Watchmen last week at the local Midnight Premiere and we were blown away. Chris has already put up a review and although it was brief, he mentioned some things I will be going more in depth about. There will be spoilers in this post so if you haven’t s...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 10 Recap

Episode 10 was almost exclusively focused on our experience with the Watchmen movie midnight premiere the previous night.  There was brief discussion of other topics, but the main topic was Watchmen.  We had planned on a short episode before heading out to see Watchmen again, but were so exhausted that we didn’t make it out.  Given that, the show is a bit shorter than usual, because we had p...[Read More]

Watchmen Review (Brief)

This will be a fairly short and succinct review.   A longer and more detailed review will be up later today or tomorrow courtesy of Lindsey. I have been a fan of Watchmen since the late 80s/early 90s (it came out in 1986/1987, but I didn’t catch it until a few years later).  It was a brilliant graphic novel that was extremely well written (Alan Moore is widely recognized as fantastic).  When...[Read More]

Waiting for Watchmen

Last night Chris and I attended the midnight premiere for Watchmen, and it was epic. Both Chris and I will be making a blog with our own personal reviews however this particular blog is to clue you in about the idiots we had to tolerate for 2 hours prior to the movie starting. Earlier in the day we had picked up our tickets and some snackies because, let’s be honest, the prices for snacks at...[Read More]

Watchmen Muzak

We’re sitting here in the theater with a little under two hours to go before the start of the movie. They’re playing music at a muted level for us while we wait. It’s dreadful. Seriously. It’s so bad that I felt the need to blog about how bad it was. That’s bad. -Because I said so

The Dark Kung Fu Knight Panda

So Lindsey sends me an IM today mentioning that Target is having a sale on DVDs.  She mentions Wall-E, then The Dark Knight and Kung Fu Panda.  For various reasons, we do not yet own The Dark Knight or Kung Fu Panda, which, for me, is very strange.  I have a very large collection of DVDs, and I generally buy new releases that I want as soon as they hit the shelves.  Unfortunately, money has been s...[Read More]

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