
Year 1 Episode 5 Recap

Good morning, World of Meh! So last night marked Episode 5 of Year 1 of our weekly MehCast.  It was a good show, and, if I recall correctly, our best attended and longest show yet!  The two of us had a real blast with this episode, and we really appreciate everyone who has been watching and participating. We started off the show by discussing Lindsey’s Princess Leia style aluminum foil hair,...[Read More]

Oh how I love music…. Part 2

Lindsey’s previous post was about her love of music.  One thing she mentioned in the post was: “As I got older obviously my taste in music got better…” I beg to differ.  Allow me to present you with Lindsey’s new hot favorite track, courtesy of last night’s episode of Nip/Tuck: youtube::rcR0nGstwOA:: Just kidding!  I love you sweetie! -Because I said so

Oh how I love music….

If any of you guys know me, you will know that I love music. I have pretty much been this way even at a young age so it wasn’t like it came about later on in my life. My Mom has good taste in music so I got a lot of what I like from her. She was born in 1961 and is really into Led Zeppelin, Rush, Journey, The Beatles and other similar bands. My very first concert that I saw was Bon Jovi. Ski...[Read More]

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