The trailer for the highly anticipated Uncharted adaptation has finally arrived online. The film, which is set to act as something of a prequel to the game franchise, stars Spider-Man’s Tom Holland as Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg as Victor ‘Sully’ Sullivan. The film is directed by Gangster Squad and Zombieland director Ruben Fleischer. Check out the trailer here:
There is a lot riding on Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Not only is it from Bend Studios, the first outside of Naughty Dog to tackle the series, but it is tasked with proving that the Vita can deliver a console size experience. After three entries, there are certain cornerstones of Uncharted; namely, the wit and humor, ancient ruins, cinema quality action sequences, and mass murder. For the most part, U...[Read More]
I am a patriotic man at heart. I love this country I live in. Despite all its blemishes and past mistakes…hell, even some of its current mistakes…I think America is the greatest nation on Earth, created by taking in the best people on Earth. And on July fourth, we celebrate everything in America that is good and pure and explode-able in the most spectacular and flashy way possible. And...[Read More]
Because it’s not that I think Adam is completely wrong about everything he said in his article. It’s that I know Adam is completely wrong about everything he said in his article. A great story has the ability to elevate a great game into a great piece of art.
New movie apparently titled Uncharted: Feel the Vibration. Not really, but I thought that was funny.