Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment hosted an event in Burbank, California for Mortal Kombat 11. At the event guests and the world were treated to a first look at the upcoming Mortal Kombat. The world revealed showcased high impact fighting between new and returning fighters. Mortal Kombat 11 will feature an immersive story that will focus on a more personalized experience. The event was live ...[Read More]
Looks like DLC passes might be the wave of the future. First Rockstar’s L.A. Noire, now Warner Bros. Mortal Kombat (you can read my review on the game here) is using this business model to sell DLC. The way it works is you buy the pass for 1200 Microsoft Points ($15 Bucks), and it gives you future DLC at a discounted rate. Without the pass, Skarlet, Rain, Kenshi, and a yet to be announced kombatan...[Read More]