WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Commentors Josh, ductongue, and jeffreynguyen and Twitter users @ramdomwolf and @brianimdiesel have won the five Rugby World Cup 2011 PSN codes! Thank you all for participating, and keep your eyes open for more contests! If you’re not familiar with the sport of Rugby, imagine a more physical version of American Football. Now remove some of the rules of American Football. N...[Read More]
Rugby World Cup 2011 is a game that is unsure of its identity. I mean, can you really call a game Rugby World Cup 2011 if it only has 10 of the 20 teams licensed to appear in the game? Is it really Rugby World Cup 2011 with only half of the participants of the actual Rugby World Cup 2011?
At some point in life, everybody considers getting a tattoo whether they want to admit it or not. Some go through with it, while others choose not to for various reasons.