Nightdive Studios

System Shock & Mount and Blade II PAX West 2022 Previews

At PAX West, Killerkdemons met with Prime Matter, Taleworlds Entertainment, & Nightdive Studios to preview System Shock & Mount and Blade II. Alright, Rockers, this is going to be a two-for-one article. You are probably asking, “why are you covering two games in the same preview?” The easy answer is that these two games are from the same publisher. The less kind answer is that ...[Read More]

Turok Dinosaur Hunter (Switch) Review

Long before Goldeneye dominated our lives on the Nintendo 64, we had Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Acclaim and Iguana Entertainment’s surprisingly stacked first-person shooter. Featuring a massive open-world environment and lots of action to partake in, Turok was a game changer at the time. This excitement led into the following sequel Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. Past that though, Turok began to wear out it...[Read More]

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