The third episode of Marooners’ Talk, Episode 002, is now available on our site for listening and download in MP3 format! It should be available on iTunes this weekend, so make sure you keep your eyes open and your iTunes accounts ready to automatically download, since you must have subscribed by now. Episode 002, “Bo Knows Podcasting,” is a bit longer than the first two episodes...[Read More]
The Bionic Commando games have a very 80’s feel to them, whether you’re playing the original or the attempts to revitalize the character in recent years; in my opinion, simply using the word “Commando” in a title or in reference to the main character provides the 80’s connection. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this, of course. If played by the right perso...[Read More]
Generally, when I hear the word “Spelunker” I give an immature giggle. In fact, as I wrote “Spelunker” in the previous sentence (and in this sentence again), I giggled. Childishness aside, there is a reason I’m focusing on the word “Spelunker”, and that is the arrival of Spelunker HD on the PlayStation Network from Tozai Games. I remember discovering the o...[Read More]