For the past 48 hours, I’ve been binging on Chocolatier: Sweet Society by PlayFirst for Facebook. I’m already hooked, and I know that no good can come of this. I know, it was only a couple of weeks ago where I ranted about people playing games on Facebook, but I stayed true to my word and I haven’t been flooding my friends with status updates. Had I chosen to do that, my friends ...[Read More]
So I was browsing around this gaming press site I am a member of, looking for press releases and what not, and all of a sudden I saw this little blurb about a Resident Evil trailer for Nintendo 3DS. Oh reallllllly….. Resident Evil has always been a favorite for me, but they lost me with RE:5. I just wasn’t feeling it, but I think Revelations might be something pretty awesome. The trail...[Read More]
The Nintendo E3 Press Conference may be over, but that doesn’t mean the excitement has waned. From the get go, Nintendo blew us away. Reggie Fils-Amie came out to debut a new Zelda game, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and it got fans really excited. We were originally led to believe that a man named Bill would be the one doing the live demo, since Shigeru Miyamoto, a mad genius, seemed like...[Read More]
At the beginning of Nintendo’s E3 Press Conference, we were treated to a surprise – Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Exclusive for the Wii, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword promises to be something so incredible, something so amazing, and by the looks of it, I want it… today. On hand to provide a live demonstration was Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto himself. Miyamoto-san, a genius in my opini...[Read More]
And ANOTHER fantastic Giveaway. This will have the same rules as our Harry Potter Giveaway, but obviously the prizes will be different. How do you enter to win? POST A COMMENT! For the next 24 hours (8 PM PST 7/25/09 – 8:00 PM 7/26/09) when you comment on this blog, it counts as an entry. Please do not spam the hell out of this post, but do feel free to discuss the DS, it’s other games, and ...[Read More]
Viewing Review – Before I go into my review for Grand Slam Tennis, I want to let you guys and gals know that I am not too keen on sports games. I have never been athletically inclined, and I’ve found most sports to be boring. Tennis is a sport that I would never play in real life. I’m just too lazy to run back and forth on the court just to hit a ball, so that brings me to video ...[Read More]
I love zombie games. I love zombie movies. I would go so far as to say that you can all start calling me Zombzi. That’s how much I love seeing those mindless, undead creatures get their heads ripped off. A few days ago we rented, from Blockbuster, a copy of Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop for the Wii. I’ve been wanting to play a version of Dead Rising for ages, and since we lack a 360 r...[Read More]