Nioh 2

December 2022 PS+ VS Games with Gold

Last month, we did not cover the November 2022 PS+ or Games with Gold titles. This is not because we did not want to, but rather, we forgot about them due to the crazy holiday madness. So let us make it up to you by sharing not only the November 2022 PS+ and November Games with Gold with you but also the December 2022 PS+ and Games with Gold with you. Now, we will start out by stating that the Nov...[Read More]

PlayStation Black Friday 2021 Deals

Black Friday sales are currently upon us! Over this last week, we have covered a variety of Black Friday sales from online retailers to massive stores. If you haven’t already seen some of the deals, check out Walmart‘s Target‘s and Microsoft‘s Black Friday sales. With the deals currently underway, PlayStation has put out a list of games that will be on sale from November 19...[Read More]

Nioh 2 Has Been Revealed

Nioh was one of more underrated titles of 2016 as it was overshadowed by many great titles that year, most notably the other big Playstation exclusive, Horizon Zero Dawn. There was little to no rumors that we would end up getting a sequel, but we ended up getting a surprise reveal trailer showcasing Nioh 2. Check out the trailer!

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