Calling all Demon Slayers and anime fans alike, a new anime video game has been released. Whenever an anime becomes popular, a videogame rendition is created for fans to experience the series from a different perspective. Over the last three decades, multiple anime series have been turned into video games; some of the most notable titles are Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Attack on Tit...[Read More]
In a world clouded in darkness and chaos reigns supreme, the world turns to its heroes to make their day brighter. Sadly, when those heroes fail or struggle to maintain peace, who does the world turn to? Who will rise to the occasion to become a new hero? Will it be your neighbor down the street? Your best friend? Or will it be you? The popular anime One-Punch Man focuses on this concept, where un...[Read More]
The battle for S-Rank grows stronger. Bandai Namco has revealed new fan-favorite members of the Hero Association for One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows in a new character trailer, released today.
The hottest manga and hit anime series ONE-PUNCH MAN is ready to debut as an English dub on Adult Swim this summer!