Original Xbox

New Batch Of Xbox One Backwards Compatible Games Announced

Xbox has recently revealed that later this month, players will get 19 original Xbox games will get the backwards compatibility treatment. A few of these have stood the test of time and are considered classics today, including the legendary Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. This was recently teased in recent article on the Xbox Wire, as they stated how their common request is more updates with the Orig...[Read More]

Original Xbox Games Coming to Xbox One

Well, its time to reflect on the Microsoft press conference. There was a ton to unpack with 42 games to check out and the new Xbox One X that will play them in superior performance. Out of all the announcements though, the retro enthusiast in me yelled in triumph when Microsoft declared that original Xbox games were coming to Xbox One systems later this year. The first title they showed off was a ...[Read More]

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