Orson Welles

Review: The War of the Worlds (XBLA)

I remember the first time I heard about The War of the Worlds. I was at E3, being herded from a behind-closed-doors preview of the upcoming Star Trek to a small adjacent appointment room. I was wearing my “Ten Reasons Why Kirk is Better Than Picard” t-shirt (because Kirk IS better than Picard), still geeking out about what I had seen in the pre-alpha preview when I was directly address...[Read More]

E3 2011: The War of the Worlds

Nearly 73 years ago, Orson Welles brought H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds to stunning life over the radio, creating a wave of panic throughout his unsuspecting listeners. Before the end of this year, nearly three-quarters of a century later, the narrative experience of The War of the Worlds is coming to both XBLA and PSN in the form of Other Ocean and Paramount Digital’s The War of t...[Read More]

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