Past Cure

Past Cure Review

Past Cure is full of promise. With a premise of mystery and intrigue, and haunting visuals, it’s no fault of anyone who starts this game thinking they will be transported into an action-packed thriller. Sadly, Past Cure is marred with monotone voice acting, unfocused game design, and writing that tries too hard. There are loads of great ideas, but they don’t fit together in a way that is satisfyin...[Read More]

Independent Developer Phantom 8 Announces Debut Action-Thriller, ‘Past Cure’

Berlin-based developers, Phantom 8, recently announced their debut game, Past Cure, a psychological action-thriller that follows former soldier turned lab experiment. As a result of the experiments, Ian is torn between his grim reality and the never ending nightmares that plague his sleep. With the help of his brother, and some acquired abilities like telekinesis, Ian embarks on a journey of reven...[Read More]

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