PAX Online To Replace PAX West and PAX Australia 2020

Recently, it was announced that PAX West and PAX Australia 2020 were canceled. This sad news came in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While the physical conferences are no longer happening, PAX has plans for an all-new way to experience the show. Today it was announced that PAX Online would be their solution.

PAX Australia Tickets Now On Sale

PAX Australia is only mere 6 months away! Early Bird prices for attendees have become available today. These prices range from $62 single day passes to $165 for the full three days. Passes can be purchased on the PAX Aus page.

Major Nelson (Larry Hyrb) To Deliver PAX Australia 2016 Keynote

Are you going to PAX Australia? Well if you’re like me you enjoy checking out the opening of the shows, right? It was just announced moments ago that industry icon Major Nelson (aka Larry Hyrb) will deliver the opening keynote at PAX Australia 2016.

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