PAX East Preview

PAX East 2022 Hands On Preview with Scathe

I might be biased, or based as the people on the internet say, but we need more wild and explosive games these days. Games, where you push start, and the action pretty much begins with a cool little story stringing it along. Not that there’s anything wrong with games that focus on major social and political issues or explore the dimensions and complexities of humans and class systems. Someti...[Read More]

PAX East 2022 Hands-on with The Forest Cathedral

We may be entering the age of spaceflights, artificial intelligence, and augmenting the human body with cybernetic parts, but we cannot escape a fundamental rule. Humans are part of nature. Every fiber, atom, and DNA strand of our being is tied to this planet and the natural world. However, as a dominant and evolved species that has chartered most of the planet, we have had an impact, both good an...[Read More]

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